
Working Cocker Spaniel

Juno Mitzy Longsword

Working Cocker Spaniel

Juno - family dog

Family Dog

Juno is a great family dog - intelligent, readily trained, soft and gentle with children

Working Cocker

Juno has a strong working cocker pedigree although she has not been worked she has a natural instinct


Juno has recently mated with Zac, another pedigree working cocker spaniel

Juno's First Litter

Pedigree chart for Juno & Zac's Offspring

Juno gave birth to 7 healthy puppies on 7th May 2019.  There were 6 boys and 1 girl!

  • First -         Murphy - Dog - Golden
  • Second -    Herbie - Dog - Golden with White
  • Third -        Sami - Dog - White with Black 
  • Fourth -      Ralph - Dog - Black with White
  • Fifth -          Arthur - Dog - Golden with White
  • Sixth -         Ned - Dog -  Blue Roan
  • Seventh -   Spring - Bitch - White with Black

Instagram Feed - @juno_cocker

Get in touch

Juno Mitzy Longsword