Juno- Puppies

Working Cocker Spaniel

Juno Mitzy Longsword & Priorheath Nero

Pedigree Working Cocker Spaniels

Juno - family dog

Juno - Dam

Juno has a gentle personality and I am certain will make an excellent dam
Juno Pedigree

Mister Hendricks

Zac - Sire

Zac is a young stud from an excellent pedigree and a good looking sire
Zac Pedigree

Juno's First Litter

Juno gave birth to 7 healthy puppies on 7th May 2019.  There were 6 boys and 1 girl!

  • First -         Murphy - Dog - Golden
  • Second -    Herbie - Dog - Golden with White
  • Third -        Sami - Dog - White with Black 
  • Fourth -      Ralph - Dog - Black with White
  • Fifth -          Arthur - Dog - Golden with White
  • Sixth -         Ned - Dog -  Blue Roan
  • Seventh -   Spring - Bitch - White with Black

The Pups

On the 7th of May 2019 Murphy was born in the early hours of the morning (4:30am),  Juno successfully delivered him without assistance however the next two, Herbie and Sami, were stuck both coming out at the same time.  After a few hours of waiting we decided to take Juno to the vets. Herbie was born en route and as he was born in a VW we figured it would be suitable to call him Herbie. During the visit to the vets, Juno was given some Oxytocin to help with the delivery of the next five puppies over the next four hours.  This obviously helped as, in the vets car, park Sami was born and around half an hour later Ralph was then born at home. After this came Arthur and Ned which meant there were six boys and no girls. This was worrying as we had a friend from New Zealand who came hoping for a bitch.  Our wishes were granted a few minutes later at around 12:30pm when the last but definitely not least Spring was born, the first and only bitch.

Puppies' Instagram

Juno Mitzy Longsword